Wednesday 2 October 2013

The Croods 5* 2013

Preview. Full. Curious teen Eep (Emma Stone) follows firefly to fire-maker Guy (Ryan Reynolds) with pet Belt (Chris Sanders), who warns their world is ending, and leads the way to higher ground "tomorrow" and "the light". Caveman dad Grug (Nicholas Cage) - rhymes with hug - wants to keep his family safe in-law Gran (Chloris Leachman), wife Ugga (Catherine Keener), son Thunk (Clark Duke b. 1985), and feral growling biting baby Sandy (Randy Thorn) but the cave falls in the earthquake. Racing just ahead of disaster, they meet trouble, danger, friends, and a better future "You really need to see this". Wish for big screen to see giant purple sabretooth kitty, rainbow of prehistoric flora and fauna.

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